Friday 19 June 2009

Not What You'd Call Historically Accurate

History classes rarely go the way they're meant to.
Our history teacher says we all have strong opinions and original ideas.
Know what that means?
We yell at each other.

The question on the board was "What do the Government do for us?" (well I saw the Life Of Brian reference) as a 5 minute starter to think about and then lead on to 1930's Americans choosing Democrats over Republicans.

Thirty minutes later we were all bellowing about the Iraqi war and the chances of terrorism in the UK.
One boy comes up with the statistic that London has the more CCTV cameras than any other city in the world. I have no idea if that's true and I'm also totally certain nobody else did either. But we grasped at it for another debate, I myself getting into a furious quickfire match with another girl on whether or not we needed those cameras. (I was arguing for the cameras. Did that surprise you? It certainly did me.)

The thing is, the press hardly ever print the full story, and that was the pivot the argument was teetering on. Yes, I know they said that MI5 were given information to do with the 7/7 bombings in London... well done, you've found another hole to pick at in the spectacle that is Britain. But what on earth makes the press think they know everything??!!

The Secret Services are meant to be just that - SECRET. For all we or the press know, there was an attempted terrorist attack in... I dunno... Cardiff yesterday (ooft, careful, Rachel. English and Welsh relationships do not need your input).
Just think about how often your life or that of someone you love has been saved without any inkling on your part. We like to think we wouldn't judge someone before we knew about them, yet that is exactly what we're doing in saying anything at all about the MIs (5, 6, they're both under scruitiny). The cameras are clearly there for a reason, as people in Government are (though it may surprise a few people) kind of like us. What's to stop a conspiracy theorist getting into politics, or a young rebel joining the police force?
Therefore there WILL be people higher up who have questioned the surveillance of the people not just of London but almost every city in the world have come under - and clearly they ARE helping. With the economy as it is now, would the Government really still be financing unneeded and expensive to maintain toys nobody uses?

At which point our history teacher dragged us back to the present... no, wait... the past.

1 comment:

  1. i really need to start watching the news
    i had no idea what u were on about
    urgh i'm dumber than a rake when it's political stuff
    oh this is alisha btw
