Friday 14 August 2009

Stand Back, Hold Your Breath and Close Your Eyes

Yes, that's right, I'm blowing the dust off this poor little blog.
I really am sorry... but summer holidays don't generally inspire any fantastical mind-wanderings or outspoken ideas.

It was only after somebody I didn't even know read this said in passing (in a trans-British Live Messenger conversation)... "You haven't blogged in a while..."
In truth I'd forgotten other people read this - a dangerous thing to do, if I begin mentioning names - so I've decided to post something up, even if its just an explanation of why I haven't been around.

I hate busy summers.I'm going/have been (depends on when you're reading this) away from home three times this summer. Okay, I love a summer holiday away as much as the next person, and I really enjoyed this year's one (Slovenia - nope, nobody's heard of it, you're not alone. Its a tiny country just to the right of Italy).
But then there's a week in Liverpool with my Grandma, who I love but who never lets me sleep in (what are holidays for?!)
And then five days in some CentreParcs place with only a couple of people I know and a bunch of people I don't. No doubt it will be a lot of fun, but the chances of slowing down and (again) messing up my sleeping pattern, are fairly slim.

And then it's school again. And yet another summer gone. Sorry if that sounds depressing, it wasn't meant to be. I generally don't mind school, and I am looking forward (kind of... a little bit) to seeing this multi-million new school building we're being blessed with.
Unfortunately it comes with a compulsory stripy new uniform. Stripy. Will I ever live it down to people outside my own school?
No, I don't think so either.

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