Thursday 16 April 2009

Careful not to Blink

All the small things True care, truth brings

I doubt Blink 182 ever guessed a quaint little english drama about church choirs would steal the name of one of their most famous songs, then have the main cast re-sing it at a chior contest with Corrie's prettyboy popstar Richard Fleeshman as the main vocalist.

And yet the BBC have done just that, bringing to our screens a new drama about church, divorce and "shit hot cranberry muffins".

The troubled teen singer (right) isn't the only reason to watch the drama that blows things like PA Meetings into huge proportion, however.

Meet Jake, the cute, foul-mouthed curate with big ideas and a not-so classical view of church life and my main motivation for watching All The Small Things (tuesdays 9.00 BBC1). A hoodie, skater and chronic swearer (his favourite phrase seems to be "shit hot"), there's nothing quite like him in the Church of England. Though I wish St Ed's would have a little more of his spirit.

"Pink squishy sofas", "shit hot lattes" and a place to "check your Facebooks" doesn't seem to be on the top of many church's lists, though as Jake says the place should be open to everyone, whatever they like.

Not too sure about your colour choice of furniture, Sweet, but apart from that you have my vote.

Apart from that, All The Small Things is a funny cliché with characters you care about (especially Esther's poor kids - and Esther herself when her husband asks her to "wait" for him to "let this stupid thing run dry" this stupid thing being having an obvious affair with a woman around ten years younger than him). Although we can always guess what's going to happen, it's still fun to see the Slitheens (Ethel and Gilbert Tonks) get their comeuppance ^^.

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