Sunday 5 April 2009

Sabbath of Palms

Well, yeah, its Palm Sunday. The day Jesus rode into town on a mule and people laid palm leaves for it to walk on.

Of course, these were the same people who in a few days would yell "Crucify him!" to Pontius Pilate. But anyway, Palm Sunday's the day that begins the Holiest week in the Christian calendar; the week Christ was killed and rose again.

We're all given palm crosses on this day and my brother and his friends - being eight year old boys - use them as swords.

Just got me thinking... didn't old cultures used to stab the sword of a fallen warror into the ground where he fell? As a grave... or a cross?

Dang... I had a perfect shot of a part of Disney's Mulan... but you get to see an ugly cross instead (:
And in peace times, the swords are left hanging upside down, perhaps to represent the forgiveness He gave us (as in times when wars were fought with swords, many people were religious).
When Christ died upon the cross the curtain of the temple ripped in two by an invisible blade. Perhaps the Yin of Christ's Yang is combat, fighting and war, as we all know reversed things are opposites, right? ;P

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